I am currently accepting Young Adult novels for review. I accept ARCs, review copies, and e-galleys. I am NOT at this time accepting audiobooks or self-published books.
I will read all types of young adult fiction, but I particularly enjoy dystopia, contemporary, fantasy, mystery, romance, and fairy-tale retellings.
Requests may be sent to me via email.
When you contact me, please include:
Your name
Your email address
Your relation to the book (Author? Publisher? Agent?)
A synopsis
The form of the book you’ll be sending (paperback, hardcover, ARC)
The book’s release date
Any special requests (time frame)
Just a few things you should know:
1. It is within my rights to refuse requests without explanation.
2. If I accept a book, I cannot guarantee I will review it. (Though it’s unlikely for me not to write a review, it needed to be stated here.)
3. I cannot guarantee I will like the book. I will be honest in my reviews. If I do not like the book, I will do my best to explain my reasoning. *I may choose not to review the book if I really didn’t like it.
4. I am willing to interview authors and take part in blog tours / giveaways upon request.