Top 10 Tuesday: Characters On a Deserted Island

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Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I’m a very practical person, and so you’ll see I’ve made my choices with the characters’ strengths and abilities in mind. That said, I didn’t give much thought to their personalities, and whether or not we’ll all get along. So it could be a total disaster, if we were to be on a deserted island together. Let me know what YOU think. 😉

In no particular order:

NEW-katniss1. Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)

Um, heard of the Hunger Games? I’d totally want Katniss on my island.

2. Mal Oretsev (Shadow and Bone)

Mal is the perfect tracker. And on a deserted island, he’d be the person I’d send to find food. (If you’ve read Book 3 you are NOT allowed to comment on this.)

NEW-2-carswell-thorne3. Carswell Thorne (Lunar Chronicles)

I just want him on the island, okay? Comic relief, perhaps? Eye candy?

4. Fia (Mind Games)

Fia has perfect instincts. Basically, I wouldn’t let Fia leave my side. And then if some wild beast tried to eat us, Fia would save our lives.

5. Katsa (Graceling)

Katsa is Graced with survival skills. Enough said.

NEW-hermione6. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter series)

She’s brilliant.

7. Sydney Sage (Bloodlines series)

First of all, she’s super smart. And she’s an Alchemist, which gives her plenty of helpful qualifications. And she has experience with vampires.

8. Po (Graceling)

Po is adorable. And he’s Graced with mind reading / perception skills and that could come in handy.

9. Harry Potter (Harry Potter series)

The boy that LIVED. He’s also a leader, and the person I’d trust to ward off dementors.

10. Magnus Bane (Mortal Instruments)

High Warlock of Brooklyn. He’s fabulous. (He could create a portal so we could escape the island!)


Can’t wait to read the other TTT posts! Comments welcome – share your thoughts.

5 thoughts on “Top 10 Tuesday: Characters On a Deserted Island

    1. brooke Post author

      Thanks! Yes, Katniss and Hermione were the first characters I thought of. I think the three of us would be good friends. 😉 Thanks for commenting, Tracy!

    1. brooke Post author

      Haha, agreed! Thank you SO much for nominating me for the Sunshine Award – I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you. For some reason lately I’ve been missing some of my comments, and I’ve just now seen yours. Anyway, I’ll check it out! 🙂

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