5 Helpful and Inspirational Articles for Writers

I’ve been absent from the blogosphere for a while. I’ve been out of town (NYC!), but now I’m back and ready to write.

So, to apologize, I have put together a list of the most helpful/inspirational articles I read while I was gone. (The Feedly app on my phone is actually my best friend. I’ve subscribed to so many great blogs/websites and I’d really like to share with you what I learned while on the go.)


Pros and Cons of Plotting and Pantsing Go Teen Writers

Plotting vs. pantsing – one of the most pressing questions I often ask other writers. In Stephanie Morrill’s article, she gives the pros and cons of both techniques without saying either is right or wrong. She also presents a “secret method #3” which I think most writers would find very interesting.

The Odds are Against You, Might As Well Get to WritingThe Write Practice

The prospects of writing a book, much less publishing one, are bleak. Yet Kellen Gorbett inspires me to keep at it, which is the motivation I need nearly every day to put pen to paper. The message “lose expectations” is one we all need to hear.

5 Quick Things You Can Do This Week to Fix Your MarketingCopyblogger

If you are a writer, you’re probably a blogger as well. And if you’re a blogger, you’re a marketer. You don’t want to miss these 5 quick tips.

 How Writers Can Stop Being Crushed by Fear of RejectionMake a Living Writing

Fascinating story about a boy who decided to become immune to the pain of rejection.

How to StealThe Write Practice

It’s okay to “borrow” from other writers. This article reminded me that it’s impossible to be completely original. Originality is about taking something that’s already been done and making it your own.

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