Brooke Reviews: The Son of Neptune

The Son of Neptune (Heroes of Olympus, #2)The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Son of Neptune was even BETTER than the Lost Hero, which I did not think was possible. I hold Rick Riordan in very high esteem, because his second series containing some of the same characters is just as amazing as the first Percy Jackson series.

I loved that both Jason Grace and Percy Jackson, the most powerful of each camp, lost their memories and switched places. I loved Jason’s characters, as well as Piper and Leo, but reading about Percy and his adventures and new friends brought back the magic of the older Percy Jackson series.

I couldn’t put the book down! The action and excitement of a new quest kept me turning pages, but the action was never too overwhelming.

Percy is an awesome character. He’s brave, and loyal, and downright awesome because he’s a son of Poseidon – or Neptune, rather. But Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang gave him a run with his money! Both new characters, with secrets of their own to hide, were intriguing and different. Their powers were fun to read about.

The cliffhanger ending killed me. Can’t wait for the next book in the series!!

View all my reviews

3 thoughts on “Brooke Reviews: The Son of Neptune

  1. Pingback: Brooke Harrison’s Blog » Blog Archive » Favorite Rick Riordan series? New poll!

  2. Giulio

    Hi, I just discovered you on youtube and you helped me a lot with the decision of the books that I read.
    THANKS A LOT I would love to buy the son of neptune just by your review. Your’e great!

    1. brooke Post author

      Thanks so much! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my reviews. 🙂 I haven’t uploaded videos to YouTube recently, but I continue to write and post reviews here on my blog. Let me know if you’d like me to read/review any specific books!


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