Hey everyone! This is the third day of my Features Week, and I think it is going so far so great. My Harry Potter Poll is still stuck at 5 votes (again, not counting my own!) so keep voting! Luckily, I have more in store for this week. I will be adding a new page to the site in place of the ‘Journal’ tab, and I am planning to redo the ‘My Travels’ page as well. Here are some of my plans for the rest of this week: The new page in place of my old journal will be added to the site on Saturday, the last day of Features Week, and a contest will be launched, as well, to end Features Week for good. Here is the contest: Write a poem, short story, bogus news article, or song about or pertaining to Halloween, and the winning piece will be uploaded to my blog once the contest is over. I will upload more details on Saturday!
Newest updates:
My Travels page – I haven’t had the time to make as many changes to this page; but they are definitely there. I changed the name of the page and plan to add new content (more info about the places I’ve visited). I would like to upload pictures as well.
Nothing very significant today – but that’s okay. Again, I’ll be making at least one change to the site per day this week. I’m excited to see what else I can come up with!
Please – keep voting, commenting, and rating my posts! This is appreciated and adds much more fun to Features Week!
– Brooke
Hey Brooke,
I couldn’t find the place where I leave a Halloween story. I am sorry, but I did vote on the Harry Potter poll.
I love your page!