Friday Series – Introductory Post


So I’m pretty excited to introduce a new series of posts I’ve got planned for the blog. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now, but hadn’t quite gotten around to. Actually, it’s a school project that has encouraged me to go for it. (More on this later.)

I’ll be publishing 6 posts about the process of creating a Snippet. (Posts in the series will go up on Fridays.)

What is Snippet? That’s what I hope to answer with today’s post, the first in the series.

Snippet is a pretty cool app (it’s free!) I discovered earlier this year. It allows individuals (anyone and everyone) to publish/sell interactive ebooks. Basically, it’s a creative outlet for ideas.

Take a look at this video: Introducing Snippet. (I’ve linked to the video just in case it doesn’t load here.)

So I’m currently taking a class called Reading, Writing, and Speaking in the Digital Age. (It’s a mouthful.) It’s all about digitization and new media and how they’re changing the way we share ideas.

Online blogs, Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest (just to name a few) are relatively recent. I’m a writer who blogs about books. Fifty years ago, I would not have had such an easily accessible platform with which to publish my thoughts. And I would most definitely not have been able to self-publish my novels or convert them to ebooks.

Now there’s Snippet, which allows writers to use a variety of media in their published work, including hyperlinks, photo, video, and audio. A Snippet does not necessarily have to be a novel. (In fact, it’s designed to be short and sweet – and affordable!) It could be a collection of sorts, or a simple How-To.

Throughout this series, I’ll be exploring how new media is changing the way we publish and market our thoughts and ideas – specifically by looking closely at Snippet. By the end of the six weeks, I hope to have successfully published my own Snippet.

The reason I’ve decided to chronicle this process is because I think it’s exciting for teen writers. If you’re interested in creating a Snippet, I encourage you to join me! Let’s do this together.

Tentative outline for the remaining posts in the series:

Week 2 – Getting Started – creating a Snippet account, exploring Snippet’s features

Week 3 – Snippet in Review – taking a look at published Snippets

Week 4 – Taking Action – tools for creating your Snippet

Week 5 – Taking Action (continued) – content, layout

Week 6 – Taking Action (continued) – publishing finished Snippet


Thoughts? Questions? 


5 thoughts on “Friday Series – Introductory Post

  1. Taylor Lynn

    I think I’ve heard of Snippet, though I hadn’t really looked into it. Correct me if I’m wrong, but is like an ebook, only with the addition of links, photos, videos, etc? Anyway, I hope you have fun putting together your own Snippet, and good luck!

    1. brooke Post author

      You should check it out! You’ve got it – an ebook but with all the extra fun stuff! It’s a free app you can download on your phone or on an iPad. And if you’d rather not have the app, you can also create an account online and read from your computer.

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