Go Teen Writers “Word War”

In a recent post, I wrote about the importance of joining the online writing community. I became more convinced that community is key when I read a Teens Can Write, Too! post about why the teen writer community rocks.

Entering this community has been my focus lately. I’m visiting other blogs, commenting on other blogs, joining blog chains and contacting possible critique partners. It’s been fun. 🙂

On my quest for community, I stumbled across “Go Teen Writers,” another valuable website for teens who share a love of the written word. And this week, I am participating in the Go Teen Writers Word War.

Word-War-Badge-2Jill and Stephanie define it better than I can: “If you’re not familiar with a word war, it’s when writers decide to write for a set period of time and see who ends up with the most words.”

#1 benefit of community: Motivation. Encouragement.

This Word War is motivation at its finest!

So, I encourage you to participate and join in the fun! I’ll be writing feverishly, trying to catch up to the other writers. What’s your Word War goal? (How many words do you hope to write by Friday night?) Comment to let me know! Let’s get one another excited.

Oh, and good luck.

2 thoughts on “Go Teen Writers “Word War”

    1. brooke Post author

      Definitely! I love Go Teen Writers and I think it’s such a great resource for aspiring authors. 🙂 Thanks for inspiring and motivating me to continue doing what I love!


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