Tag Archives: waiting


Couldn’t sleep
need the peace
of knowing that it’s here.

I’m waiting,
so impatient
let morning arrive.

Want a surprise
for time to fly
my impatience to disappear.

I’m waiting,
waiting, waiting
temptation is baiting.

I won’t bite
I’ll close my eyes
let night pass me by.

I’m waiting,
let it hurry up,
here we go at last.

Impatience is fading
I think I’m done waiting
I know that it’s here now.

Everyone gets impatient every now and then, right? I get impatient A LOT. I wrote this poem the morning of our last school dance, because I couldn’t wait for it to get here and we would be seeing the yearbooks at lunch time. Of course, you also don’t realize how time flies. That night is over, and I have my own yearbook now, along with all of the other 8th graders.
– Brooke