TCWT Blog Chain: Fictional Worlds > Real World

So excited the Teens Can Write Too blog chain is back!


Which fictional world would you most like to be a part of, and what role do you think you would fulfill within it?


For the past year or so, I’ve been really into dystopian novels (Hunger Games, Divergent, Matched, Legend) which all feature extremely unique story-worlds. And while the story-worlds are a large part of what keeps me engaged, it occurred to me when I read this prompt that I would NOT enjoy living in any of them.

Dystopian novels are about societies which were intended to be utopian, or perfect, but are instead extremely flawed. As an indecisive person, it would drive me crazy to choose a faction in which to spend the rest of my life, and to conform to one personality trait like the characters in Divergent. As for the districts in the Hunger Games, I don’t think anybody would willingly choose to live in poverty. (But the Capital? I’ll think on that).

So I’ve narrowed it down to two story-worlds I think I’d genuinely enjoy being a part of it. (They’re on completely different ends of the spectrum, but never mind that).

The world of Harry Potter is so, so fascinating to me. (Who isn’t fascinated by the wizarding world?!) I would give anything to be able to perform magic. And every day I go to school I wish I were going to classes half as interesting as the classes Harry, Ron, and Hermione take. And let me clarify: I’d like to live in a post-Voldemort world.

I’m also obsessed with spies and spy novels, so to study at the Gallagher Girls Academy would be a dream come true. Ally Carter’s Gallagher Girls novels are about teens training to become operatives. Of course, these girls often face danger, and I’m not much for danger, but not everyone is cut out to be a field agent. I’d be a lot like Liz, I think. (Except I’m not a genius.) Cool gadgets, interesting classes, classified missions – and the truth about all government secrets and conspiracies. (I’m smiling devilishly as I write this).

Why am I so enamored by two schools?

Anyway, I’m excited to read what everyone else in the blog chain has to say about fictional story-worlds. Be sure to check out the other participating blogs!


blog chain pic

December 4th: Against the Shadows

December 5th: Deborah Rocheleau

December 6th: The Little Engine That Couldn’t

December 7th: Relatively Curious

December 8th: The Magic Violinist

December 9th: Laughing at Live Dragons

December 10th: This Page Intentionally Left Blank

December 11th: Kira Budge: Author

December 12th: Brooke Reviews

December 13th: Next Page Reviews

December 14th: Susannah Ailene Martin

December 15th: Musings From Neville’s Navel

December 16th: Mirror Made of Words

December 17th: Woah!

December 18th: Lily’s Notes in the Margins

December 19th: Wheat and Wine

December 20th: Please Forget My Story

December 21st: An MK’s Meandering Mind

December 22nd: Miss Alexandrina

December 23rd: Unikke Lyfe

December 24th: Miriam Joy

9 thoughts on “TCWT Blog Chain: Fictional Worlds > Real World

  1. Brooke Younker

    Agree on living in the HP world and studying at the Gallagher Girls Academy (but I can’t spell the word Gallagher without seeing it to save my life). I’d definitely go for the Divergent world though, so long as it’s peaceful. Dauntless all the way 😉 Also the Uglies world would be really fun to live in, despite all the weird stuff going on there.

    1. brooke Post author

      I haven’t read Uglies! But it’s definitely on my radar.
      I’d probably take any fictional world over the one we’ve got, actually! (grass is always greener…) 🙂

  2. Leinad

    Nice post. I would steer clear of all of those dystopian worlds too — even the Capitol. The high fantasy worlds are much more conducive to … fantasising.

    I haven’t read the Gallagher Girls novels, so I’ll stick with Hogwarts. Not that Hogwarts is necessarily the world I’ll choose for my post… we will see.

    1. brooke Post author

      Hogwarts is definitely a winner. There is so much depth to Harry Potter’s world.

      Looking forward to reading your post! 🙂

    1. brooke Post author

      Totally agree! It was a funny realization I had while writing this post. But you’re right – Hogwarts is NOT the normal junior high!

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