Hey everyone! I just wanted to tell you a little bit about my day at Wakulla Springs. 🙂 It was a lot of fun – and I actually went off the high dive 10 times!! A new record! It may not seem like much – especially because we were there for about 3 1/2 hours – but my old record (beginning of the summer) was 2. So I’ve definitely improved.
I’m telling you what – there’s nothing like pushing your limits and personal goals to boost your ego. That high dive did it for me. I stood there for about 30 minutes debating whether or not to jump, but later it made me think that the high dive at Wakulla is like every other situation in life.
You can stand there and think about it, or you can jump. That pivotal moment before you decide to spring off of the ledge (and it’s 13 feet down) is like…heck. It’s pretty important. But I realized that sometimes, you can’t think. You just go. You just do.
I had jumped off 4 times already, thinking that I was done, when another family climbed up the stairs and stood there wondering whether or not they should take the plunge. The oldest girl, who I learned was 13, was a lot like me. She would step to the edge, and back away quickly when she looked down at the water.
We tried to tell her how much fun it really was, and I pinky-promised her that I would go again if she would. I wound up jumping off twice more for her – 6 times. She still wouldn’t jump. I knew that everyone else had felt the same way about me, too, but eventually I jumped. This girl didn’t jump. She was up there with us for 30 minutes, maybe more, and then she had to go. Her parents gave her one last chance to jump, but she didn’t. She took the ‘walk of shame’ back down the stairs.
That frustrated me. From the moment I arrived in Wakulla, I resolved to jump off of that high dive. Even if I stood there for the entire 3 hours, I would have done it at least once. I wound up jumping 10 times, like I mentioned earlier. Point is: I knew that girl would regret it if she walked away.
I don’t know that for sure; maybe she’s glad she didn’t go; but I know I would have regretted it. If I hadn’t jumped, I wouldn’t have had a good topic to blog about. If I hadn’t jumped, I wouldn’t be able to sit here now and think about the other fears I might soon face.
Just saying.