

SCHARRED SHOULD BE PUBLISHED WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS! Thanks for being so patient! Here’s a sneak peak of Book 3 – Scharred – the front cover and the excerpt from the back of the book.Summary:Creed and her friends thought it was all over after they defeated Elias in battle. They were wrong. Creed, a magnet for trouble, wishes for adventure and is thrown headfirst into turmoil. An unexpected letter turns their lives upside down, and they’re the only ones who can fix the trouble their new enemy has created. High school is worse than Creed had imagined, leaving her to question her friendships, her courage, her lifespan, and even herself.Thanks!
– Brooke 🙂

Awesome news! I just wanted to let you know that my dad is finished editing my book, so I am now making the necessary changes! I am sitting in his office this very minute watching the book print so I can begin re-reading it myself. I don’t know how long it will be before the book is online, but my goal is to have it published before Christmas. So, although this is a short update, I hope it helped!

– Brooke 🙂

Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while – I’ve been so busy!! I started high school, you know. 🙂 Anyway, I just wanted to thank those of you who were able to come to my book signing – it was awesome and I loved your support!! If you couldn’t come, that’s okay, too! I know a lot of you couldn’t make it! Well, for those of you who were there, you already saw the cover, but for those of you who WEREN’T there, I guess you haven’t!! I’ll post a picture as soon as I can. The third cover was on a bookmark we created and handed out to everyone who came. (I thought it was really cool.) The bad news is, only the cover is complete. My dad is taking a very long time to edit the book (he hasn’t had much time) so the process has been slowed down considerably. Believe me – I know how it feels to have to wait for a book you want to read!! (Although I really don’t know how many people out there actually want to read Scharred…hopefully if you’re reading this you’re one of the people who do!) On the other hand, because I’m the one who’s written the book, I don’t have to wait for it, and it’s not as bad for me. This might actually be better because I want this third book to be the best of the trilogy. I have recently found that the last book to a series is sometimes the worst (if you know me and have read the most popular book that was just recently published I think you know what I’m talking about) and I don’t want that to be the case with my Sky City trilogy. Hopefully, you won’t be able to put this one down. Hopefully, you’ll like my ending (which is actually quite strange), and enjoy everything beforehand. I’ve done my best; this book was probably the HARDEST to write considering the storyline/plot got much thicker and much more confusing. Stay tuned; maybe I’ll consider putting some sneak-peaks up on this page soon! (You never know.)

– Brooke!! 🙂

Hey, everyone! A couple of people have been asking me for a date as to when my book will be published and on, but I haven’t been sure. I still can’t give you a date, unfortunately, but I will be posting updates as to how everything is coming along. My dad and I have been working on the cover, and it is ALMOST complete! If you can, come to my book signing at Borders on Saturday the 7th (of August) to get a sneak peak of what the cover will look like. (I’m soooooo excited!!) Anyway, I’ve just finished the editing of Book 3, (personally, I really enjoyed reading it!) and now I have to finish making those changes before I re-print the book and give it to my dad to edit. It will probably take him (roughly) two weeks to edit the book, and then I will have to make those changes, as well. It takes another week for the ordered proof to come in, and once we receive the proof I’m not sure how long it takes to get the book on and other sites. Keep returning to this page for more updates!

– Brooke

*Spoiler Alert.* If you haven’t read books 1 and 2, please don’t read this update. If you have read books 1 and 2, I’ll think you’ll be delighted with this post. Below is the rough draft of the summary paragraph of Scharred:

After defeating Elias in battle, it’s time for the gang to face a new challenge: high school. Before they know it, they’re facing much more than they thought they would. They thought it was all over. But they were wrong. Not only do they now have twice the homework and twice the drama, but they have twice the trouble, as well. As they begin to learn new things about themselves, they’re forced to learn new things about each other, as well, and also that not everything can go the way you want it to.

Hope this was helpful!!

– Brooke

EEEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!! So I just wanted to let you know – Scharred is now COMPLETE!!!! I’m so excited, and now I am entering the editing phase. What a drag. But I think this is going to be the best one of all – so stay tuned to find out when it becomes available on Amazon.

– Brooke

Yay! Another update! I am happy to say that I am now much further along in Book 3 then I was the last time I wrote an update. Then again, that is also because it has been a long time since my last update… Well, okay, looking back, I am not much farther along – I have only reached page 88, which is only 22 pages more than last time. Oh well. I am wrapping everything up, but that does not mean that the book will end within another 10 pages. No, this book will probably be the longest of the three. I still have to kill off 2 characters (tragic, isn’t it?), tie up loose ends, make everyone happy, and write the epilogue. However, I feel I can finish all of this by Monday (it is Thursday night) and then begin the editing process. Will I succeed? How long will it take me to edit Book 3? Will Book 3 become the best book of the series? Stay tuned to find out more!

– Brooke 🙂

Another update! I am now on pg. 66 (actually page 132) and Ch. 14. I just hit writer’s block after getting on a writing spree. I couldn’t stop and now I can’t begin. Oh, well. Happens every other week or so. (Maybe longer.) Thing is…I just want this book to be the best it can possibly be. There are so many people who believe in me, and I don’t want to disappoint. Instead, I want to blow them all away. Show them exactly what I’m capable of, you know? And it’s harder than it sounds.

– Brooke

Hi, again. I was just wondering: what am I going to do when Book 3 is done? Completed? The series will be finished (I think…) and of course I’ll have more to write about (*an author is never out of ideas) but I can’t be sure that I’ll finish anything else. I don’t understand what’s so different with the Sky City Trilogy. It’s odd, really. I guess I just know where I’m going – how the book will end, and how the series will end. Anyway, that was what I was thinking. Hopefully, I’ll start a new series. You never know. Then again, I’m so attached to Creed…and all of the fictional characters that I’ve created in this past year and a half.

*When I was little, I could NEVER think of ideas. Every time I met an author at a bookstore, I always asked how they got their ideas. And nobody could give me a good answer. So if you’re an author out there somewhere, and you just happen to be reading this blog, I’m going to give YOU the straightest answer I possibly can. After writing two books, I think I might realize why straight answers to my original question were so hard to find. Ideas just come to you – completely unexpected. You might be brushing your teeth – BAM! That never happened to me when I was little. I think it’s because you have to open your mind first. All you need is an initial idea. And this is easy. Write about cheese. Your cat. Anything – no matter how awful it might seem. After that, it’s so strange. When I started writing De Couleur Pale, I truly didn’t expect to get past chapter 2. Really. But when I started getting into it, the story expanded. I didn’t set anything up for books 2 or 3. The ideas after book 1 just seemed to fit with the story line. So don’t give up. Is that a straight answer? After reading over this, I realize it probably isn’t. But I hope it helps. If you have any questions, write a comment.

– Brooke

Hola! I just got over a brief spell of writer’s block; (yes, it’s real) and I am now plotting the next few chapters of Scharred. I just wanted to let you know that I am now working on chapter 9; but because my chapters are getting longer that means page 41. (real book form – page 82.) At this stage in the book, it is really just beginning. I have no more an idea of how it will turn out than you do! : ) Keep hoping for the best…
(I know I am!!!)

– Brooke

Hi, again! Here is another Scharred update!

I’m making good progress…I’ve been a little side-tracked lately, with eighth grade and moving and everything. However, I don’t think finishing Book 3 should take too much longer to finish than the other two. (No promises…!)

– Brooke

Hey, everyone! Here’s an update on Scharred:

I am now beginning Ch. 3. It may not seem like much, but my chapters are getting much longer and I am on page 11, which is really like page 20 in a real book.

I’ll update again soon!

– Brooke

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