October Rewind & Review


So I’m participating in “Rewind & Review,” a blog hop hosted by Shae Has Left the Room. Basically, we’ll be glancing back at what happened on the blog during the month of October, and also take a look at what I’ve been reading.

Books I Read


On the Fence by Kasie West
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
Uninvited by Sophie Jordan
Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas

Posts You Might Have Missed

Week 2 – Snippet – Getting Started
Brooke Reviews: Not in the Script, Blue Lily Lily Blue
Week 3 – Snippet – Brooke Reviews “Let Go”
TTT: Places I Want to Be
Week 4 – Snippet – Tools
TTT: Series I’d Like to Start
Week 5 – Snippet – Content & Layout
TTT: Books to Inspire Halloween Spirit

Upcoming on the blog:

Had more opportunity to read this month, but my reading has significantly slowed down due to my HW load and new school responsibilities. Again, looking forward to future TTTs (Top Ten Tuesdays), book reviews, and the completion of my Friday series.

By the way, I’d love feedback regarding the Friday series. I’m a huge fan of themed posts, or packaged posts, so share your thoughts and let me know if you’d like me to cover something in particular in a future series!

5 thoughts on “October Rewind & Review

  1. Taylor Lynn

    I have to say, it’s kind of nice to see a manageable four books read in October. Most book bloggers I follow read SO MANY books per month, and that used to be me as well, but now life’s slowed me down a bit. It makes me feel a little better about it to see someone else who’s not reading 20+ books a month. 😉

    Also, YAY, Blue Lily, Lily Blue!

    1. brooke Post author

      Yes, I sometimes feel a little inferior when I see how many books other bloggers are able to read in one month. *Jaw drops to floor* I love to read, but my schoolwork takes priority and so if I’m super busy I’ll sometimes have to forego the beautiful stack of reading material I’ve built up. Sad but true. Counting down the days until Thanksgiving break!

      1. Taylor Lynn

        Same! What with writing, blogging, schoolwork, and life in general, I don’t read quite so much as I used to. It’s not a bad thing–I do a lot of different stuff I enjoy!–but it does mean I’m not flying through the new releases as fast as I might hope, haha. 😉 And time will only be tighter once I start college next semester, but ah well–that’s something else I’m super excited for, so I’ll make do. 😉 Of course, even my reduced reading is still more than a lot of people I know, so at least there’s that to console me!

        1. brooke Post author

          You’re right – reading less is not a bad thing! I always make sure I have time for it, and now I have a greater appreciation for books simply because reading is sort of like a treat. Rough day? I read to decompress. 😉


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