Tag Archives: top ten tuesday

Top 10 Tuesday: Books I’m Not Sure I’ll Read

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Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

These are the 10 books I’m not sure I want to read – I’ve listed them in no particular order. If you believe I should give any of these books a shot, please share your thoughts! I challenge you to change my mind – tell me what I’m missing! 🙂


1. Dear Killer by Katherine Ewell – I thought this book looked fascinating. And then I decided I might not be able to stomach reading from the perspective of a serial killer.

2. Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell – I’ve heard mixed things about this book. (??)

3. If I Stay by Gayle Forman – I really want to see the movie, and so I want to read the book. I’m just worried it’s depressing, and I’m not a huge fan of depressing books.

4. Looking for Alaska by John Green – Honestly, not sure why I’m holding back.

5. The Jewel by Amy Ewing – I was looking forward to this, but I read a few poor reviews and so now I’m not so sure.


6. The Killer Order (prequel to Maze Runner) by James Dashner – I really enjoyed the Maze Runner, but the rest of the series did little for me. And so I’m hesitant to read this prequel.

7. Meridian (sequel to Arclight) by Josin L. McQuein – Did not enjoy reading Arclight (book 1).

8. The Mime Order (Bone Season #2) by Samantha Shannon – I wasn’t as impressed with The Bone Season as I’d hoped I’d be, and I don’t find myself particularly excited for the publication of The Mime Order.

9. The Last Little Blue Envelope (sequel to 13 Little Blue Envelopes) by Maureen Johnson – If Ginny and Keith aren’t together, I don’t think I want to read it. I realize that’s a terrible reason.

10. Pandemonium (sequel to Delirium) by Lauren Oliver – I attempted to read this immediately after being sucked into Delirium. It just wasn’t working for me, and so I doubt I’ll attempt it a second time.

Top 10 Tuesday: Characters On a Deserted Island

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Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I’m a very practical person, and so you’ll see I’ve made my choices with the characters’ strengths and abilities in mind. That said, I didn’t give much thought to their personalities, and whether or not we’ll all get along. So it could be a total disaster, if we were to be on a deserted island together. Let me know what YOU think. 😉

In no particular order:

NEW-katniss1. Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)

Um, heard of the Hunger Games? I’d totally want Katniss on my island.

2. Mal Oretsev (Shadow and Bone)

Mal is the perfect tracker. And on a deserted island, he’d be the person I’d send to find food. (If you’ve read Book 3 you are NOT allowed to comment on this.)

NEW-2-carswell-thorne3. Carswell Thorne (Lunar Chronicles)

I just want him on the island, okay? Comic relief, perhaps? Eye candy?

4. Fia (Mind Games)

Fia has perfect instincts. Basically, I wouldn’t let Fia leave my side. And then if some wild beast tried to eat us, Fia would save our lives.

5. Katsa (Graceling)

Katsa is Graced with survival skills. Enough said.

NEW-hermione6. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter series)

She’s brilliant.

7. Sydney Sage (Bloodlines series)

First of all, she’s super smart. And she’s an Alchemist, which gives her plenty of helpful qualifications. And she has experience with vampires.

8. Po (Graceling)

Po is adorable. And he’s Graced with mind reading / perception skills and that could come in handy.

9. Harry Potter (Harry Potter series)

The boy that LIVED. He’s also a leader, and the person I’d trust to ward off dementors.

10. Magnus Bane (Mortal Instruments)

High Warlock of Brooklyn. He’s fabulous. (He could create a portal so we could escape the island!)


Can’t wait to read the other TTT posts! Comments welcome – share your thoughts.

Top 10 Tuesday: Blogging Confessions

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Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I thought this was going to be a difficult TTT. But when I put my hands to the keyboard, it all came pouring out. I think I’m relieved to have all this off my chest. 😉


1. Many of my posts are written the night before. I’m a type A personality and I despise procrastination, but when it comes to blog posts it often sneaks up on me. So, I apologize for this, because I believe posts written in advance are of greater quality. And as I’d like to be posting quality content, this is obviously something I’ve got to work on.

2. It bothers me when my posts are too long or too short. (OCD, anyone?)

3. It will sometimes take me an hour to format the images/graphics for my post. It’s frustrating but I’m beginning to figure out how it all works. Participating in Top 10 Tuesdays (though it’s my favorite blogging day of the week!) can often be a huge PAIN because it takes so darn long to format my images.

4. I really, really love links. And it’s not because I think loading my posts with links to other sites will increase my traffic or anything (that’s a thing, actually – many bloggers are obsessed with Search Engine Optimization), but simply because I love sharing resources with my readers. Also, it’s convenient. Want to be better at THIS? Click HERE to read THAT!

Brooke @ Brooke Reviews5. I use parentheses way more than I should. (I can’t help it.)

6. I can be long-winded.

7. I get super excited to “schedule” my posts. You know, when you write something in advance and “schedule” it to publish on a certain date at a certain time. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen often. Refer to confession #1.

8. When I started blogging in May 2006, I only posted my own poetry to the site. As if people would actually want to read it. Two people commented frequently on these posts: my mother and my grandfather. And if you’re interested in taking a look at those early years of my blog, I promise my grandfather’s comments are more interesting than the poetry.

9. Okay, so although I’m a major book nerd and I will talk about books to anyone who is willing to indulge me, I really don’t appreciate recommendations. I honestly don’t know why. If someone recommends a book to me, it is now more likely that I WON’T read it. That said, if it’s a book I was already considering, I’m totally gung-ho. (Weird, right?)

10. When I stumble onto a new blog/site I really, really like, I will stalk the blogger and conduct a pretty thorough background check. No joke. I read recent posts, go back through the blogger’s archives, read the About page, check them out on Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr/Pinterest/Goodreads/etc. And then I sign up for their email list and subscribe to their RSS feed.

Can’t wait to read the other TTT posts! What are your blogging confessions? Share your thoughts. 

Top 10 Tuesday: Cover Trends I Like/Dislike

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Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish




1. Minimalist / Simplicity

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Panic by Lauren Oliver


2. Black background 

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Reboot by Amy Tintera


3. Weapons 

Graceling and Fire by Kristin Cashore


4. Symbols (representation of plot/theme)

Divergent by Veronica Roth

Legend by Marie Lu


5. Eye-catching typography 

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo


6. Color scheme across the series

The Selection, The Elite, The One by Kiera Cass


7. Explosion of color

Kiss Kill Vanish by Jessica Martinez


8. Illustration / Sketch

Champion by Marie Lu




9. Faces – I want to be given the opportunity to imagine the character myself.

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Delirium by Lauren Oliver


10. Bodies (especially half-naked bodies)

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

Top 10 Tuesday: Books on My Summer TBR List

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Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I have an incredibly long TBR list, but these are my Top 10. 🙂

Previously Published:


1. Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas (sequel to Throne of Glass) – published August 27, 2013

2. Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige – published April 1, 2014

3. The Falconer by Elizabeth May – published May 6, 2014

4. Rebel by Amy Tintera (sequel to Reboot) – published May 13, 2014

5. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare (conclusion to City of Bones series) – published May 27, 2014

6. Vivian Divine is Dead by Lauren Sabel – published June 3, 2014

7. Born of Deception by Teri Brown (sequel to Born of Illusion) – published June 10, 2014


To Be Published:


8. Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo (conclusion to Shadow and Bone trilogy) – June 17, 2014 (THAT’S TODAY!)

9. The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith – June 24, 2014

10. Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead (fifth book in Bloodlines series) – July 29, 2014


Currently Reading:


The One by Kiera Cass (conclusion to The Selection trilogy) – published May 6, 2014

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt – published October 22, 2013


Have you read these books? Share your thoughts! Also, any recommendations to add to my TBR list would be appreciated. 😉 

Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Books I’ve Read This Year

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Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I’ve read 29 books so far this year. 2014 has been, in my opinion, a really great year for books. Of course, many of the books I’ve read were published in previous years, but I just hadn’t read them yet. I’ve been introduced to new series, which is always fun because then the enjoyable experience lasts longer. What isn’t so much fun, however, is when you finish reading the most recently published book in a series but have to wait for the remaining books to be published. Ugh.

So I give you the top 10 books I’ve read so far this year (in no particular order):


#1-3 – The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

Finally, finally began reading the series. I completely fell in love with it, and upon finishing Cinder couldn’t wait to get my hands on Scarlet and Cress. I also had the privilege earlier this year of interviewing author Marissa Meyer on the blog. Looking forward to Winter, book 4 in the series! Check out my review of Cinder.


#4-5 – Vampire Academy series and Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead

For the longest time, I swore off vampire books. Stupid, stupid. The six Vampire Academy books were incredible, and Richelle Mead is an extremely talented writer. The books had depth and meaning. When I finished VA, I immediately began reading the spinoff series Bloodlines. Check out my reviews of Vampire Academy, the Vampire Academy movie, and Bloodlines.


#6 – Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong

The first book in a series about twins with special powers. Loved this book! In my recent Rewind & Review post, I mentioned that I won a signed copy of this book in a giveaway hosted by Awkwordly Emma. Needless to say, I was super excited. My review of this novel is to come.

#7 – Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Another book I can’t believe I haven’t read until now. I have officially joined Sarah J. Maas’ fan club! My review of this novel is to come.

#8 – In the Shadows by Kiersten White, Jim Di Bartolo

An enjoyable standalone novel. An e-galley of this book was provided by NetGalley and Scholastic, and I loved that the story was accompanied by beautiful illustrations. Check out my review of In the Shadows.


#9-10 – The Raven Boys series by Maggie Stiefvater

Loved, loved, loved these books. The plot line is completely unique and the book is narrated by multiple perspectives, which adds depth and intrigue. I would definitely recommend Raven Boys. Check out my review of Raven Boys.

Top 10 Tuesday: Books About Friendship

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Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I’ve been looking forward to this topic. I know what true friendship is, thanks to many of these books. So, without further ado, check out my top 10 books about friendship (listed in no particular order).

betsy tacy mother daughter book club

1. Betsy-Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace – Betsy and Tacy are so close they are called by one name, as if they are one person, or a package deal. The books follow these fast friends through their weddings.

2. The Mother-Daughter Book Club by Heather Vogel Frederick – A series about a group of girls who become friends by participating in a book club together. (Obviously a series after my own heart!)

winn dixie the help

3. Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo – A dog is a man’s best friend, is it not?

4. The Help by Kathryn Stockett – An inspiring novel about a group of women who are not supposed to be friends, but defy societal pressures and expectations.

vampire academy gallagher girls

5. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead – Rose is “bonded” to her best friend Lissa, which means she can listen to Lissa’s thoughts and experience Lissa’s emotions. I don’t know if it’s possible for a friendship to be stronger than that.

6. I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You by Ally Carter – Spies stick together. I love the friendship between the very different personalities of the Gallagher Girls books.

raven boys harry potter

7. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater – These four boys are so close they’re like brothers.

8. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling – Harry, Ron, and Hermione – the golden trio. (Friendship is as simple as battling a troll together in the girls’ bathroom.) The Harry Potter books are about a lot of things, but I believe friendship is at the top of the list.

kite runner and snow flower

9. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini – Amir’s story is about his search for redemption and his desire to prove himself worthy of his friend’s unwavering loyalty.

10. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See – Lily and Snow Flower are a laotong pair, destined to be the best of friends. They share one another’s joys and tragedies, and their beautiful and tragic story is about discovering the true meaning of loyalty and love.

Top 10 Tuesday: Books I Almost Put Down But Didn’t

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Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Excited to be participating in Top Ten Tuesday again! I thought today’s topic was particularly interesting – books I almost put down but didn’t. This is actually quite rare for me. What’s more common is when I decide NOT to read a book, and eventually wind up reading it due to positive reviews or recommendations.

So…#1-5 are books I almost put down but didn’t.

5 books i almost put down but didn't

1. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak – I’d been wanting to read this book, after all the hype on Twitter and about the upcoming movie. But the first few pages left me wondering whether I should put it down and maybe try again later. I think Death’s narration took some getting used to, but I came to appreciate it. (The Book Thief is one of my favorites, and I believe it’s beautifully written.)

2. Just Listen by Sarah Dessen – I remember feeling uncomfortable about Annabel’s less than perfect life, and about her sister’s anorexia. But I pushed through, and of course loved the characters’ growth and transformations.

3. A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin – Recommended to me by a friend, I began reading the book and was bored by the first several pages. This book is so dense!

4. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling – My dad and I read every Harry Potter book but this one together. For some reason, I was convinced Order of the Phoenix was too dark, or too scary, or something, so I considered putting it down. So glad I didn’t.

5. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins – Again, bored by the first few pages. I thought maybe I wouldn’t enjoy the book as much as everyone else did. Silly thought.


#6-10 are books I almost didn’t read but did.

5 books i almost didn't read but did

6. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer – Vampires? It was an immediate ‘no way’ for me. And then I started a new school and the girls in my Literature book club chose to read Twilight. Needless to say, I rushed to the bookstore for book 2 the minute I finished.

7. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green – I have a strict policy against cancer books. I have a cousin with cancer, and so all cancer-related books/movies/etc were immediately banned. But I picked up TFIOS in the bookstore and couldn’t stop reading – it wasn’t really a “cancer book” because it was about so much more than that. And I loved the book for it.

8. The Host by Stephenie Meyer – I should have learned my lesson after Twilight… The aliens were a turn-off for me, but I really wanted to see the movie, so I read the book and fell for the romance.

9. The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith – When I discovered Robert Galbraith was a pseudonym for J.K. Rowling, I thought (just as I had with Casual Vacancy) that I wouldn’t read the book because I didn’t want it to change my opinion of her in any way. But that’s silly, because you can’t compare mysteries to YA fantasy.

10. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead – Again with the vampire snobbism. Luckily I got over it.

Looking forward to checking out other TTT posts!


Have you read these novels? Share your thoughts! 

Top 10 Tuesday: Book Covers I’d Frame as Art

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Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I enjoyed putting this post together – there are so many gorgeous book covers out there! And I know I was sort of biased choosing my Top 10, because I’ve read and loved all of these books.


1. The Graceling Realm books by Kristin Cashore (Graceling, Fire, Bitterblue)

I love the colors in these covers, and the intricate detail, and the title font.


2. Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater


3. Champion (Legend, #3) by Marie Lu


4. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo


5. Mind Games by Kiersten White


6. The Hybrid Chronicles (What’s Left of Me, Once We Were, Echoes of Us) by Kat Zhang


7. The Host by Stephenie Meyer


8. Allegiant (Divergent #3) by Veronica Roth

the selection books for post

9. The Selection Novels (The Selection, The Elite, The One) by Kiera Cass


10. Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

*Okay, Snow Like Ashes is the only exception, because I have not yet read this book. And yet I still have this feeling it’s going to be a new favorite.