TCWT Blog Chain: Characters I’m Most Like


I love to read because I love to identify with unique characters. I share their weaknesses and their strengths, and it’s why I either root for them to succeed or hope they fail.

NEW-hermioneHarry Potter, of course, was one of my first favorite book series. I am much like Hermione Granger in that I’m a fierce perfectionist and an academic. My schoolwork is important to me, and I enjoy reading and learning new things, and I was always that girl in class who couldn’t resist raising her hand to answer a question. And my sister would probably say I’m bossy. So there’s that, too. I’d like to think I also share Hermione’s loyalty, bravery, and wit, although I’m sure that’s pushing it. πŸ˜‰

Hermione sort of reminds me of Sydney Sage, protagonist of Bloodlines, and so I believe I’m a good bit like Sydney as well. We’re both total sticklers for the rules.

And I’m a lot like Cress, the Rapunzel of the Lunar Chronicles, because I’m a romantic. And I can be a bit of a dreamer.

As a child, I loved the Betsy-Tacy series because I saw myself in Betsy Ray. She was creative, and always made up stories, and eventually became a writer.

NEW-trisAs for the characters I WISH I was more like?

I wish I shared Tris Prior’s fearlessness, and Katniss Everdeen’s determination and strength. I wish I were more feisty like America Singer. I wish I had incredible powers like Alina (Shadow and Bone), Clary (Mortal Instruments Series), Tessa (Infernal Devices Series), and Celaena (Throne of Glass).

These heroines inspire me to be confident in myself, to persevere, to always strive to be a better person. What qualities do you share with these characters?

Be sure to check out the other blogs participating in the chain!

tcwt-pic-SMALL-25th – Sometimes I’m a Story
6th – The Little Engine that Couldn’t
7th – Against the Shadows
8th – Sammi Talk
9th – Musings From Neville’s Navel
10th – The Road Goes On
11th – Brooke Reviews – (that’s me!)
12th – Miriam Joy Writes
13th – Uniquely Anonymous
14th – The Upstairs Archives
15th – The A.R. Files
16th – NutFreeNerd
17th – Unikke Lyfe
18th – Writer’s Place
19th – Roomble
20th – Tara Therese
21st – The Writing Duo
22nd – Free As a Girl With Wings
23rd – Butterflies of the Imagination
24th – The Weirdy Station
25th – Teenage Ink
26th – Where Books Never End
27th – Insanity Inc.
28th – Miss Alexandrina
29th – ripped out pages
andΒ The Long Life of a Lifelong Fangirl
30th – Fantasies of a Pocket Human
andΒ Turtles in My Soup
31st – literallylovely
and Teens Can Write, Too! (We’ll announce the topic for next month’s chain)

8 thoughts on “TCWT Blog Chain: Characters I’m Most Like

  1. Heather

    I definitely have a little bit of Hermione in me as well–she was on my list too! But I can’t blame you for the people you wish you were like. If I were like Alina Starkov in particular, I bet my life would get a whole lot more interesting. πŸ˜€

    1. brooke Post author

      So true! I love Alina’s powers, and particularly that using Grisha powers strengthens you rather than the opposite. Totally wish I were Grisha. πŸ™‚ Thanks for commenting, Heather!

  2. Tara (T. T. Kesley)

    I am a romantic and a dreamer too, and although I can’t claim to be as dramatic as Cress, I did identify with her. πŸ™‚ Yep, I love the way story characters can serve as inspiration and role models.

    1. brooke Post author

      You’re so right – who DOESN’T want to be them?? Looking forward to your post! Thanks for commenting, Edwina! πŸ™‚

  3. John Hansen

    Hermione is definitely one of the best characters to be like! I have a feeling a lot of people will mention her, and it’s sort of a brilliant move on Rowling’s part, to me, to write a character who is so much like all of us book-lovers.

    And Katniss! I wish I could be more like her. Also Jennifer Lawrence, because of course.

    1. brooke Post author

      That’s such a good point – Hermione has so many realistic strengths and weaknesses. And yes, as a book-lover she is beloved by many! Thanks for commenting, John! πŸ™‚

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