Thanks Community Christian School!!

I had a great day today…thanks to Community Christian!!

They invited me to speak to the 7th and 8th grade students about my books, and about setting goals and achieving your dreams. I think everyone had a great time. I will be posting the video of my presentation soon – so stay tuned! I met so many great kids and was so thankful for the opportunity. They were a great audience and asked wonderful questions.

Hopefully I’ll get to do this again at some of the other schools in Tallahassee. 🙂

– Brooke

4 thoughts on “Thanks Community Christian School!!

  1. Kennedy Wilhite

    That is really neat!!! I am so happy for you! I want to see a video of some kind!! I had fun with you at Bible study tonight!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    1. brooke Post author

      Thanks, Kennedy!! 🙂 I will try to post a video… I had fun too! I love our Bible Studies 🙂

  2. Erin

    Brooke- Thanks so much for the visit. It truly did inspire me to start writing again. Btw, I mentioned you in my blog,, so check it out! Congrats on reaching your dreams! I’m sure you will reach many more!

    Erin Jobe (Language Arts Teacher, CCS)

  3. Lizzie Cochran

    Brooke, you inspire me and I think you are amazing! I will definitely need to read your books this summer! Keep doing what you love!

    Lizzie Cochran (Student at CCS)

    P.S. We talked a little after the presentation, if you remember me. 🙂


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