Top 10 Tuesday: Authors I’d Love to Meet

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Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

1. J.K. RowlingHarry Potter series, Cormoran Strike novels – She’s a genius. I’m not even sure what I’d say to her if we ever came face-to-face.

2. Maggie StiefvaterThe Raven Boys – She’ll be at BEA! EEK!

3. Marissa MeyerThe Lunar Chronicles – Will also be at BEA! I’ll have to tell her how absolutely obsessed I am with Fairest.

4. Veronica RothDivergent trilogy – If only we could sit down and have a really long discussion about her books. That would be awesome.

5. Cassandra ClareMortal Instruments series, Infernal Devices series – If she’s as funny as her characters (and I imagine she’s funnier, as she’s the mastermind behind them all), I think we’ll get along just fine.

6. Sarah J. MaasThrone of Glass series, ACOTAR (currently reading!) – Her books give me all the feels. And she’ll be at BEA, too…

7. Richelle MeadVampire Academy series, Bloodlines series – Ah, she’s written two of my favorite book-boyfriends!

8. Sarah DessenThis Lullaby, Just Listen, Along for the Ride – I think Sarah Dessen would be an excellent mentor. What do you guys think??

9. Leigh BardugoShadow and Bone trilogy – She’s created such a unique story world, and I’d love to pick her brain. (Does that sound weird?)

10. Kiersten WhiteMind Games, An Illusion of Fate – I love, love, love her writing style, and I just think she’s got a great personality. Kiersten White, can we be friends??


What authors would you want to meet face-to-face? Also, let me know if you’ll be at BEA – I’ll be so excited to meet my blogger friends!

11 thoughts on “Top 10 Tuesday: Authors I’d Love to Meet

  1. Brenda

    I have Maggie Stiefvater and JK Rowling on my list. Leigh Bardugo is a really good choice too, loved her book. I’ve really only heard readings from authors (Stephen King, Clive Barker and Bruce Campbell) with two actually signing books. Book signings seem to be a difficult time to actually meet an author, what with long lines and wanting to keep the line moving. Curious if there is more opportunities at BEA. Have fun!
    Brenda recently posted…Blog Tour: The Stars of Summer by Tara Dairman Interview and ReviewMy Profile

    1. brooke Post author

      Yes, both of those authors are favorites! And it’s funny because I feel like we’re already friends because I know so much about them both. But I think meeting them face-to-face would rock my world – I imagine they’d exceed expectations. 🙂 You’re totally right – signings probably aren’t the best place to “meet” an author. And I’m sure BEA is so super busy that signings will be sort of rushed. But who knows?? Maybe I’ll run into Maggie Stiefvater in the bathroom or on lunch break or something! (A girl can dream, right?) Thanks for commenting, Brenda!

    1. brooke Post author

      Me too!! It’s going to be so tough to choose which author I’ll use my skip-pass for. Did you order a Reader’s Pass?? I think that’s what I got, just because I really wanted to skip to the front of a line. Glad to hear you’ll be at BEA, too! I’m so excited – this is my first year. I hope I’ll see you there, especially if we’re both beelining for Stiefvater and Meyer. 😉 So cool you’ve met Sarah Dessen! “Nice and normal and cute” is such a perfect description for her. It’s probably why she writes such fabulously realistic novels. Thanks for commenting, Michelle!

  2. JJ

    I had Maggie Stiefvater, JK Rowling and Sarah J Maas on my list as well. BEA sounds like so much fun, I wish I lived in America so I could go, or that they did something similar here in England!
    JJ recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #4My Profile

    1. brooke Post author

      Ah, three of my absolute favorites! Great choices. 🙂 This will be my first year at BEA and I’m super excited – I’ve heard so many great things! I’m doing my best to prepare before I go because I know it’s going to be totally overwhelming. (Eep!) I wish you could come, too! Although honestly, I would love to switch places because I’m obsessed with England. I’m hoping to study abroad in London next spring. Thanks for commenting, JJ!

    1. brooke Post author

      Hey Mariah! I am SO excited for BEA – I’m still sort of shocked that I’m able to go. It won’t feel real until it’s over. And yes, I am *freaking out* that SJM will be there and that I’ll see her face-to-face and completely fangirl over her books. Have you finished ACOTAR?? I’m almost done but it’s becoming more and more difficult to read because Amarantha is a witch and Feyre is in so much pain and UGH, it hurts. (But it’s brilliant, of course.)

      1. Mariah smith

        Yeah, clearly I was too excited for that post and left out some words, oops! You better takes lots of pictures at BEA, I’m going to live vicariously through you. And yes I finished ACOTAR! It was so, so delicious. I loved the direction the book went with meeting Amaranths and “proving her love”. And Rhysand, OH. MA. GAWD. What do you think of him?!

        1. brooke Post author

          I will be sure to take lots of pictures! 🙂 And I’d love to live-tweet, too. I’ll definitely keep you in the loop. I finished ACOTAR this morning – no words! “Delicious” is a totally accurate description. *winks* Okay, I had such a love-hate relationship with Rhysand. Ugh, how do I even go about describing my feelings for him?? Feyre and Tamlin belong together, so I’ve decided it’s okay for Rhysand to fall in love with ME. <3

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