Top 10 Tuesday: Blogging Confessions

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Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I thought this was going to be a difficult TTT. But when I put my hands to the keyboard, it all came pouring out. I think I’m relieved to have all this off my chest. 😉


1. Many of my posts are written the night before. I’m a type A personality and I despise procrastination, but when it comes to blog posts it often sneaks up on me. So, I apologize for this, because I believe posts written in advance are of greater quality. And as I’d like to be posting quality content, this is obviously something I’ve got to work on.

2. It bothers me when my posts are too long or too short. (OCD, anyone?)

3. It will sometimes take me an hour to format the images/graphics for my post. It’s frustrating but I’m beginning to figure out how it all works. Participating in Top 10 Tuesdays (though it’s my favorite blogging day of the week!) can often be a huge PAIN because it takes so darn long to format my images.

4. I really, really love links. And it’s not because I think loading my posts with links to other sites will increase my traffic or anything (that’s a thing, actually – many bloggers are obsessed with Search Engine Optimization), but simply because I love sharing resources with my readers. Also, it’s convenient. Want to be better at THIS? Click HERE to read THAT!

Brooke @ Brooke Reviews5. I use parentheses way more than I should. (I can’t help it.)

6. I can be long-winded.

7. I get super excited to “schedule” my posts. You know, when you write something in advance and “schedule” it to publish on a certain date at a certain time. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen often. Refer to confession #1.

8. When I started blogging in May 2006, I only posted my own poetry to the site. As if people would actually want to read it. Two people commented frequently on these posts: my mother and my grandfather. And if you’re interested in taking a look at those early years of my blog, I promise my grandfather’s comments are more interesting than the poetry.

9. Okay, so although I’m a major book nerd and I will talk about books to anyone who is willing to indulge me, I really don’t appreciate recommendations. I honestly don’t know why. If someone recommends a book to me, it is now more likely that I WON’T read it. That said, if it’s a book I was already considering, I’m totally gung-ho. (Weird, right?)

10. When I stumble onto a new blog/site I really, really like, I will stalk the blogger and conduct a pretty thorough background check. No joke. I read recent posts, go back through the blogger’s archives, read the About page, check them out on Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr/Pinterest/Goodreads/etc. And then I sign up for their email list and subscribe to their RSS feed.

Can’t wait to read the other TTT posts! What are your blogging confessions? Share your thoughts. 

3 thoughts on “Top 10 Tuesday: Blogging Confessions

    1. brooke Post author

      Ha ha, definitely! 🙂 Totally agree – I love the feeling of scheduling my posts on my calendar and feeling super organized!

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